To Heal – Stop Avoiding Your Emotions and Feelings

Jan 29, 2020 | Insight

We are all searching…searching for inner peace, connection, freedom, vitality, wellness, purpose…a more meaningful and purposeful existence.

Sometimes in our desperation to find these things we continually grasp for “the one thing” in hopes that it will be the answer. Again and again…searching for the one miracle that will heal us and bring everything we desire. We move from one session to the other, finding temporary relief, creating a brief reprieve until the next wave overtakes us. And here we go again…searching.

Whether a new modality or method…a tincture or the newest miracle cure…we keep searching for the thing that will be our answer. We keep searching outside ourselves for that which will bring us all that we desire. Our search usually pulls our attention and energy away from ourselves, away from remembering and feeling our past experiences, our pain, our trauma, our shadows. It seems that we are searching for an easy way, where we don’t have to consciously feel our past experiences, essentially bypassing the processing of our emotional pain.

We have been gifted one of the greatest gifts – the gift of feeling our emotions, of feeling happiness, joy, excitement, love, pain, sadness, frustration. We are here in this human experience to feel. Our emotions and feelings bring texture to our lives, our laughter, our tears contribute to the vibrancy of who we are.

Our experiences are unique, no one else has them, they are designed for us, to create opportunities to learn, to grow, to expand, to fully live in the essence of who we are. And yes, many of our experiences have been challenging and difficult, it is in the healing of these experiences where our unique wisdom is revealed, that wisdom which no one else has. The wisdom which becomes part of our life purpose.

We can’t avoid or skip the “feeling” part of healing and expect to feel differently and expect that our past experiences and the effects from the trauma we experienced will just go away. There are layers to healing, and sometimes our deeply buried, unconscious memories are what need to be revealed before we can truly heal. We can’t do this alone, we need someone to hold us, in our most vulnerable state, to get to those places. Sometimes it is messy…sometimes messy is the only way to get to the roots of our trauma. A safe place to express anger, sadness, grief, deeply held pain that requires tenderness, softness, understanding and compassion to finally make its way to the surface, to be felt, to be heard and finally… to be released. Leaving you with the memories, but no longer will the experiences be negatively impacting you or your life. You will remember your experiences, but the emotional charges will be transformed into feelings of neutrality, compassion and acceptance for what was. Ahhh! That is freedom!

This is exactly what we do. We provide the space for this deep healing. We cater to each individual, we meet you where you are, and take you into the places that you need to go, those places you have yet to go. We create space for a complete healing experience. If you are committed and ready to resolve lifelong challenges, if you are ready to find true freedom through transformation please reach out to us to get started.


  1. Phyllis

    So true, and sometimes you have to do it a few times. People don’t understand that you need to go through it to heal it.

    Forgiveness is the other big one that most people don’t understand.

    Look forward to seeing you when you are back.

    • Carla & Mark

      Hi Phyllis,

      Yes, many are still learning about the healing process and it can take a few times to heal it. Sometimes, the pain is so deep and complex, we have to move through layers to fully heal.

      Thank you for mentioning forgiveness…such an important aspect of healing and we will be posting something on forgiveness soon. Thank you so much for your comments!

      Carla and Mark


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